Access Denied Status for Website in IIS

Dear All

Please read the following blog which i have faced and  the solution got for Access Denied Status in  IIS .

Problem: – user was trying to create a Virtual Directory in IIS and getting successfully added but showing status as Access Denied because of which it was not getting browsed

Options Tried :-
          1) In the Directory security tab of virtual directory given access to anonymous user
          2) In the Directory security tab selected digest the windows authentication
          3) Right click virtual directory and used permissions wizard.
          4) Given permission on directory to ASPNET user
          5) Uninstalled and reinstalled IIS on the system

Didin’t got sucess after trying any of the above option.

Solution: – Issue was with drive security permissions , The drive on which the physical directory is present that drive should have following permissions SYSTEM user and CREATOR user should have full control which has resolved the issue.

Your Comments are always welcome


Prashant Deshpande

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